
We were still giggling about Heino, and we
sang: fährt ein weisses Schiff nach Hong Kong
(sails a white ship to Hong Kong), and then
Wolfgang proposes to put money together
for the gas. But it wasn't decided who would
manage it. The driver probably. Not me,
innocent as I was. Life threatening that
Autoput, the route through Yugoslavia.
We had to wait a very long time at the
Bulgarian border, that we, like more
drivers did, toke a nap somewhere on a
grass strip. Even while sleeping Hassan
still wore his cap and sunglasses. Just
before the Turkish border, he wanted me
to take over the wheel. We had to unload
the whole car, but I wasn't worried. The
car finally was in his name and we had
sworn each other not to bring any dope.

Once arrived in Istanbul, Hassan right away
bought some hash. He knew the place, even
more he had a girlfriend who lived over there,
whom he hadn't mentioned before. Yes I did.
No you didn't, Hassan, really not. He would
stay with her for one day and we better find
a hotel. He knew a cheap one. The next day
he wanted more money to buy gas. According
to us there still was. Yeah, but his girlfriend
had had medical expenses and ... Bullshit
Hassan, when you're like this we won't go
to Israel with you. However, the main reason
we didn't trust him anymore, was that we
hadn't been to that lodge, but slept in the
Peugeot and Wolfgang had seen that the car
was partially painted with a brush. I took
a more accurate look and discovered that
the front and the back were welded together.
VIN switched. Fuck Hassan. So stuck in Istanbul.