Yin Yang

Of course afterwards I started reading more about
psychedelics and related matters. Like Castaneda,
Gurdiëff and Ouspensky. The fourth dimension by
Rudy Rucker brought me back to my senses. The
mathematics of it outstripped that Ouspensky
juggling. The second trip was on a same kind of
blotter paper, but now with a yin yang imprint.
Sophie, Branko and Kuno also gave it a try. Kuno
took a half, but felt nothing. Sophie got up to
visit a girlfriend. Branko looked like a devil
to me and I told him that. I looked like a monkey,
he thought, and then he was off to the pub. That
night there was a soccer match of our German team,
the Mannschaft. And our TV gave up the ghost
yesterday. I had tried to fix it but only had blown
the fuses. Kuno decided to go and watch the game
at Wolfgang's and asked if I went along. Yeah later ...
as soon as I would be able to move myself again ...
ay ay ay ... This was probably a bad trip ... right?
Everything was like in a dream, but with a sense
of reality that I experienced as overwhelming.